Ice Conditions May 5, 2014

DSCN0021This is Jack Fish Bay about 9:00 AM this morning . Northern Pike were cruising in the pencil reeds and along the cattail edges. We have a forecast this week that

has temperatures in the mid fifties to low sixty degree temperatures, with mid week heavy rains.  The pond at Rainy Lake Houseboats was totally  open on

Saturday May 3. Normally Rainy Lake Ice out is ten days after the pond opens.  Below are pictures from different areas of the lake.  I will post pictures again on

Saturday May 10th.  with a little luck the ice should be gone May 13 or 14th.


Looking towards Doctor Mary’s Point and Stop Island

DSCN0012Bald Rock Narrows

DSCN0009Voyageurs National Park Rainy Lake Visitors in Black Bay Narrows